Monday, April 14, 2008

Daily ramblings

Guess what everyone?Remember that post from a few days ago about how to get $25?Well,for those of you who are still skeptical,I got my check in todays mail:)Just wanted to pass the word along so everyone can benefite from this!!
Also,I know many of you have been praying for us and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!The kind words you all have left on my blog have been a blessing to me and a real encouragement!My husband went to have a nerve test done on saturday and they said there is 98% nerve loss in his foot.Today he went to see the doctor and surgery is schedualed for May 22nd.Just wanted to let everyone know.
Yesterday was soo wonderful!We had The Lords Supper last night and the kids and I stayed at church all day.Our church is about 20 minutes away,so we did this to save on gas.What a blessed day it was!!I had a chance to fellowship with some of the other people at the church.Share with everyone about how God has been working in our lives!Plus I heard someones testamony yesterday that was absolutly amazing!!He spoke with such passion in his voice and you could tell he was so full of the Holy Spirit as he spoke!!It was so awesome!!!!
Anyway,I just wanted to share with all of you:)Have a blessed day!!!!


Farmhouse Blessings said...

Congratulations on your $25 check! Wonderful. So glad that you had a blessed day of fellowship. We all need that from time to time, don't we?


Katy said...

That is awesome about your check!!! YAY!!!
I hope your hubby's surgery goes well! I can't even imagine losing most of the nerve feeling in my foot! How strange that must feel! Keep us updated!

I am glad you had a wonderful day at church!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by katy and lea!!Thanks for commenting also!I am thankful I have met such nice people through blogging!!Have a blessed day!!!

Wendy/TheCozyYellowHouse said...

Hoe cool is that to get 25 bucks in the mail!!! Hope your hubby is doing well and that somehow this will bring him closer to the Lord!!! We used to spend alot of our Sundays at church too its really awesome isn't it?! God is good He is always there!!!Glad you all are doing well!!Take care and God Bless!~Wendy

Toni said...

Thanks Wendy!The money is really coming in handy:)God is good!!!Have a great day!