Thursday, May 29, 2008

Trust In the Lord with all your heart!

I was listening to a sermon this morning and I encourage all of you to take the time to listen to it.Click HERE to listen to it.When you get onto that site,click on the sermon with the big black e on it.It`s about putting our faith and trust in the Lord and not money.It is so hard,but if you are a chlid of God you are part of the new covenent.When we first trust Him,He provides all that we need.Often times when I am out walking I notice the birds pecking away at the soil and fining worms.I am reminded of Mathew chapter 6:25-34.When you get a chance,read it,pray about it,and really think about it.I know it`s hard with rising gas prices and the cost of living going through the roof,but we are different then the rest of the world!We are God`s people and He will always take care of us!!First,we need to put our faith and trust in Him!I felt a need to post about this today,because I know that there are some of you out there that are discouraged today and I just want to reassure you that God`s promises never return void!!
I`d love to here thoughts or comments about this.If anyone listens to this sermon,I would also love to here about it!!

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