Thursday, September 17, 2009

An awesome after school snack!!!

Hey all!!!! Several months ago I got this cookbook called Deceptively Delicious.I don`t know if you all are familiar with the book,but it has alot of yummy recipes with hidden veggies in them!! You get to add some extra nutrients to your meals AND DESSERTS and no one will be grumbling at the table because no one will know they`re in there!! I promise you!!! Anyway,this afternoon I made this dip for the kids to have when they get home from school with some fruit.I had a very hard time practicing self control and not taking out a big spoon and eating the entire bowl myself!! It tastes exactly like a chocolate peanut butter cheesecake:) Yum-o!!! Okay,now here`s the recipe:
Chocolate Peanut butter Dip

1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup cream cheese
1/4 cup carrot puree(I`ll explain how to make this following the recipe!) 1/2 tsp. salt
6 tbs.chocolate syrup
fruit for dipping

Blend all ingredients together except the fruit of coarse and serve with fruit slices!

Please let me know if you guys try this!
Now onto the veggie puree.All you do is steam or boil the carrots until they are tender and then put them in a blender or food processor with a few Tbs.of water and puree them.You can put the rest of the puree into zipper bags and freeze it so you have it on hand for other recipes.This is also good idea to do if you either have a young baby or frequently babysit for a child that eats baby food. Just cook up a bunch of different veggies and puree and freeze them and you have baby food on hand!

In other news,things in general have been going great in our lives lately!! I`ve had alot of time at home getting caught up on housework.Joe is still home and he is helping out soooo much!! The house is getting really organized.It`s such a blessing to have my hubby working along side of me!! I am truly thankful for that!!
I`ve been reading some wonderful books as well.One is called Amish Grace.It`s about how the Amish forgave the man who was responsible for shooting the ten girls in 2006 at Nickle Mines.What an awesome story it is.It has really been helping me examine my own heart.Also I`m reading another book called Secret Believers by Brother Andrews. It`s about christians in the Muslum community and how God is using them to spread the Gospel of Christ. I highly recommend this book.

I plan on posting alot more often.I really miss the blog world!! I have so many ideas for future posts!! I want to do an article on bread baking. I also have alot of ideas about saving money on groceries and also frugal home decorating.I`ve been looking through this one magazine I got in the mail.It has alot of really cute shelves and little country pictures and all sorts of stuff.I started thinking how easy it would be to make some things at home.I plan on trying a few ideas out and posting about them over the next few weeks,as time and money permit.
Now,I think I will get going!! I hope you all are having a truly wonderful day and are feeling the love of God in your life today:)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hey All!!

Before I get started,I have a very serious prayer request. One of the families in our church lost their 11 month old son Monday morning. It was a tragic accident.He sufficated in his sleep.The viewing and service was on Thursday.Please pray for the family.The mom is having a very hard time.Also pray for our church family.This tragidy has shaken alot of lives.

Onto other happier things....Our lives have actally been quiet the past week or so.The kids started school on Wednesday.They attend a public school right in town.It`s a very small school,and they really are enjoying it.I ould rather them go to a private Christian school tha our Pastor and his wife own.My husband is not a believer and doesn`t really want them in a school that doesn`t have sports,so public school it is.For now anyway:) I really wish I could home school them,but circumstances in my life won`t allow that,so they are where God wants them to be at this time:)
Well,I wish I could post some more,but it`s getting close to 9 and we have to be up early for church!Good night and I love you all!!! Thank you so much for reading my blog!! Please leave a comment so I know you stopped by!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

God`s plan continues to unfold and other happenings in our lives

Hello all!! I am just so thrilled at the amazing things God is doing I just have to share it with all of my dear readers!! Remember Paul and Marybeth? Well,they came to another service on Sunday!!! I really know she has a heart for the Lord,but the Lord is also working in her husband as well.The sermon was preached by one of our deacons and he never preached a sermon before.This too,was part of Gods plan because this man is so down to earth and young and I believe that was a contributing factor to grabbing Pauls attention.He payed attention to the sermon and I really believe he was moved.Is he ready to give his life to Christ.Not yet.God is working on his heart though.He talked more about the Catholic church and the difference he sees in our church and I`m just so thrilled!!!! They`re planning on coming over on Sunday morning for breakfast and then we are all going to church together.EVEN MY HUSBAND!!!!! You see,God is using this couple to draw my husband closer to Him as well. Please pray this week that my husbands heart will melt at Sunday`s service and he will humble himself before the throne of grace.
Also,more great news.My friend who left our church several months ago returned on Sunday.I was so happy to see her returning to her home!!God is so sooo good!!
Now,onto our family news.Today is Emily`s 6th birthday!! Her grandparents took her out for the day to Toys `r`Us and Friendly`s and then came back here for ice cream cake.We`re planning on having a celebration again this weekend at her other grandparents house.Anthony`s birthday is on the 19th so we`ll have a double mini b`day party for the two of them.When they go back to school we plan on having a big party for both of them at a really fun place called Clomb Alot Clubhouse.It`s going to be their first party for all their school and church friends so it should be alot of fun!
I know some of you have been reading my blog for a long time now,so I`m sure your wondering about my female heath issues that I posted about a while back.Well,I`m seeing a new doctor now.She did a biopsy last week and that was negitive thank the Lord!! What she wants to do is insert this device into the uterus that slolwly releases progesterin into my blod strem and it will help keep the uterine lining from becoming too thick.It`s good for five years.It also prevents pregnancy.I do not believe in using these devices for birth controle,but because of the medical condition I have this would really be the best option.
I do need to go now.I hope all of you have a blesssed evening111

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Amazing things happen when we trust God

Hello again my friends!! I know you all must be shocked that I`m blogging for the second time this week:)I just have to tell you guys about what happened.Remember the family I told you about that we`ve become close friends with? Remember how I said they started coming to our church? Well their Names are Paul,Marybeth,and they have two children,Ryan who`s 7 and Alicia who`s 4.I try when I speaking of other people on my blog not to use they`re names,but it`s just too confusing.Lol! Anyway,onto my story.God`s really been working in her life over the past few weeks and I`ve seen the hand of God in her life.She was born and raised Catholic as well as her husband.Sunday was only the second time they came to our church.They did end up leaving early because her husband was sick.I tried calling her the next morning and she didn`t call back.I though it was odd,but figured I would see her that night because her husband has been playing softball with mine and there was a church game that night.She wasn`t there,but her husband was.He told us that they were going to go to a Catholic church down the road this coming Sunday.Let me say this before I continue on.I have been a Christian for almost four years now.I never shared the Gospel to anyone other than my children and husband.I have always felt convicted of that and I pray often that God will hep me get over my fear of man and share the truth with others.For the first time on Monday night I was confronted and had to make a stand for Christ and the Gospel.I took a huge chance that these new friends that I love so much would be offended,but I knew the Holy Spirit was with me.I said that the Catholic church does not preach the Gospel of Christ or the true way of salvation.I assured him that everything I was about to tell him comes from the Word of God.I`m not out to bash other religions or churches.The catholic church teaches that you have to earn your salvation through works.God sent Jesus Christ his son to die for us and only through His blood are we saved.After I witnessed to him I felt so different.I can`t even explain it but if your a Christian and reading this you might know what I mean.So anyway,we left the game and I was so sick about the response I got and all that was going on.I tried to call again the next day and didn`t get a call back so last night I decided to send her a message through face book.I let her know the truth and got a response back last night saying that she had made a decision to go back to her old church.I cried so hard because I know the deception behind the Catholic church.I`ve been so sick for three days over this I can`t even tell you.I felt like someone died.I also received a wonderful blessing.My husband who is not a believer came home from the store before with a Christian card of encouragement for me and wrote the most beautiful words of encouragement.I was praying that God would help me submit to His will and trust in Him and He showed me through the card my husband wrote that my testimony to Marybeth and Paul made an impact on him and I truly believe that my husbands heart was touched by God.
The story isn`t over yet.Late this afternoon I got a phone call from Marybeth.She said she did research and found out I was correct in what I told her about the Catholic church!! She will not be going there.She also told her husband about what she learned.I am so thrilled about this!! Praise God!!
Please pray for Marybeth and her family and for me as well.I am so amazed.God has us in the palm of His hands and no matter how hard Satin tries he can`t pluck us out.It`s not about us.It`s all about Christ and living each day for Him to bring Him Glory!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hello All my friends!!

Hi everyone!! I hope I still have readers:) I know it`s been a while...again:) Well,alot has happened in the past month and a half! First, my husband and I went on an amazing cruise to the Bahamas.It was such a blessing.We went to three different Islands.Grand Turk,Half Moon Cay(which is privately owned by the Cruise line,and Nassau(not sure on the spelling)I will be posting pictures as soon as my husband loads them onto the computer.Let me just say that the private Island had the most beautiful beach I have ever seen in my life.I think the only water that will be more beautiful will be in heaven!There were almost no waves and the way the sun was shinning into it made a prism of light that reflected all the way to the bottom.There was a small Christian church on the Island as well and from the water you could see the white cross peeking out from the trees.
Being on the ship was really amazing too.The food was incredible.The only thing was that there was no worship service at all.They had a chapel,but no services.That was very disappointing.I did enjoy the time alone with my husband though!I don`t think I`ll ever leave the kids for 8 days again though.It was really hard because there was no way of contacting them unless you paid a fortune.
Anyway,onto the rest of my adventures:)Church softball has started on Monday nights.My husband loves to play and he invited another family who we became friends with through the kids softball games.So the husbands play and the ladies watch and chat.I`ve become close friends with his wife and she lives right here in town.We started talking about the Lord and it turns out she is a believer.God has really been working in her life over the past few weeks.The people at the game were a real testimony to her and her husband and they started coming to our church!!I`ve seen so much growth in her life over the past two weeks!! Please pray for them.She just started reading her bible for the first time last week.She also just started talking to her kids about the Lord.Her son seems to have a really tender heart and is already telling her that he knows he needs Jesus!It`s just so sweet to see God at work right before my very eyes.I pray that He will give me wisdom and guide me and that He will help me give her Godly advice.So anyway please if you can remember keep them in your prayers.
Onto our next adventure.This past week we went on our annual vacation to the Jersey Shore.We went from Monday to Thursday morning.It was so nice.I love being by the beech and relaxing with family and making memories!!! So then,the day we got home I did some wash and leaned a bit.Then had to run out to stay over at my friends because Friday was the day we had the tickets to see In The Beginning.Down in Lancaster,Pa they have Theatre called Sight and Sound and they reenact all different bible stories.All I have to say is Oh my goodness!! It was absolutely amazing.It just was such an incredible visual of God`s love for us.Just beautiful.We plan on going back with our kids.It`s only in theatres until the end of October.Waite until you hear the night we had on Thursday.Satin was trying his hardest to prevent us from going.First,my friend had a clogged bathtub drain so we had to go to another friends house so she could take a shower.When we got there our friends husband has a snake and said he`d be happy to take a look at the drain.So he goes over and he`s gone maybe 45 minutes or so.Finally,we decide to go because we need to get the kids to bed and get some sleep for the long day we had ahead of us.We walk into her house and her husband and her friends husband have the ceiling ripped down in the kitchen.Everything covered in Drano and dust.So,we went up to put the kids to bed and had to scrub the whole kitchen from top to bottom.Then we went to the store to get stuff for breakfast,made our lunches and by the time we got to sleep it was after midnight.Meanwhile as I slept I was unaware that my poor friend was awake the entire night because her daughter was sick with a fever and vomiting.So she was alright by the time we left.Then on the way down there we almost got into a really bad car accident.We were going about 65mph on the highway and a car pulled right out in front of us and almost stopped.My friend said she didn`t turn the wheel.Our car moved over almost into the grass and we ended up safe.God saved us from what could of been a very bad accident!!! Is`nt that amazing? God is so good. Also in
Lancaster we went on a tour of the Tabernacle and also the Mennonite museum which were both very interesting.I finally arrived home at 11:30 Friday evening.Then yesterday afternoon we had our annual church picnic.This was the first year I was able to go.Hubby went too and it was just amazing.My husband is not a Christian,but we are becoming really good friends through softball with another Christian family and I pray God will use them to draw my husband close to Him.
I better get going now.I need to start supper for my family.I hope you all have a blessed Lord`s day!!!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Update on our lives

Hello all my sweet friends!! I hope there are still people left that read my blog! I know I`ve kind of been ignorig this little old blog these days.
I`ve just been buisy with life.I have to admit that I was just spending way too much time on the computer since I started blogging and so I am really trying to repent of that. I love having this blog and absolutly love all the wonderful people I`ve met though!!
What have I been up to these days? Well,we`ve been running alot of errands durring the day,so when I am home it`s usually laundry,dishes,cooking supper and off to a softball game for one of the kids.The season is almost over though,so things should be getting a little less hectic now.My father in law was rushed to the hospatil last week.It was ver serious.They had him in a medically induced coma for a while.Thankfully he was released last week and is at home now.Please pray that he will start taking care of himself so he can live a long and healthy life.Also pray hat he would come to know the Lord. While I`m asking for prayer requests,please pray for my sister in-law and her husband.They are probably going to get a devorce.Things are very bad right now for them.Neithe5r one of them know the Lord.You guys can also pray for me.I am making Joe`s(my hubby)sister a card tonight and plan on sharing the gospel with her for the first time ever.Please pray that the Lord will give me the right words to say to her.It`s a pritty serious situation that she`s in right now.We just found out she has been physically abused for years by her husband and she has two small children.He has also been unfaithful many times.Right now,she feels as though everything is her fault.Her husband is her vall and all and she pu all of her hopes and dreams into this one relationship.So,now the relationship is falling apart and she just fels completly alone.I just want her to know that this is the reason Christ died for us.We need Him.We are so broken because of sin and the curse that we can`t have a relationship with anyone without Christ giving us wisdome and power.The only way He can give us that power is if we put him first in our lives.We need to love him more and follow him and obey his Word.Only then can we love others and have peace that passes all understanding.Please pray that she would accept this message.

In other husband and I are going away together on a cruise!! We leave on Tuesday morning and will return the following Wednesday.I feel a little bit guilty to be going away without the kids though.The boys have their last game while we`re away though and I know they wouldn`t want to miss it.Too bad we`ll miss it though.They`ll be staying with their grandparents while we`re gone and they`ll be abel to swim every day as well.Plus play with their cousins(Joe`s sister`s kids)and they don`t get to see them that often.I just pray things settle down some with her by then for the sake of the children.
I hope to have some pictures on my blog soon.I still have pictures of Lancaster I want to post,plus sofball pics of the kids.Our church started their annual softball games as well on Monday,so I also have pictures of hubby to show you guys! The problem is that we got a new camera and haven`t downloaded the software yet so I can upload the pictures.Hopefully soon I`ll have them up though!
Finally,my weight loss journey is going so,so well!I`m down about 20 pounds and counting!! I feel so much better.Clothes are fitting That I haven`t worn in months:)
Well, I guess that`s all the news for now.Hve a wonderful and blessed day and remember no matter how much your going through or hurting,or just discouraged with life,Jesus loves you more than all the hurt and discouragement you can ever feel.His strengthy is made perfect in our weakness!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

May already?

Hello guys! I know it`s been weeks since I last blogged.Things have just been really busy around here lately. I`ve noticed that I have alot of new followers,which I am so thrilled about!!! I love that the Lord is using my blog to encourage others!!
So,like I said before things have been so busy around here.It`s softball season.We have Emily in T-ball this year,and the boys in little league.Last week-end was opening day for the boys and I got soo sunburned! First they had a little intro where they announce all their names,then we ended up staying to watch the two other games and then their first game at two.So,we were there from 10am to 4pm.Emily also had practice that day as well.All week there have been games and practice.Then yesterday was opening day for Emily.They had a clown and face painting.It was alot of fun!We took alot of cute pictures,but I have to wait to post them.Another event that occurred on Easter weekend was that my camera dropped and broke.Hubby was very generous and got me a new one.It is soo nice and was a great price as well.He has to download the program before I can post any pictures though.
In other news,last week I was struck with what I think was strep throat,or something very simmilar.I never get sick,but boy this thing,what ever it was,really knocked me out for a few days.God is so good though and He really takes care of His children.Since my husbands injury we do not have health insurence.I ened up calling an herbalist that friends have gone to in the past.I described my symptoms to him and he said he would mix me up something that would surely knock out the infection.Wouldn`t you know,by the next day I was 100% better.Amazing!! And he only charged $3! He really has a gift of healing people.He truly want`s to help people and would never take advantage of anyone.Also,praise God again...NO ONE ELSE IN THE FAMILY GOT IT!!!I`m so thankful for the protection God has granted us!! I`ve known about this doctor for a very long time and have been wanting to do things more natural,so I`m just really thankful that everything ended up working out:)
More good news.Tuesday a few friends and I are going to Lancaster!!I can not waite!! This is a trip I`ve been wanting to take for a very long time.I was just on the phone with my friend mapping out our day.I plan on taking pictures when I can.I don`t know how many of you are familiar with the Amish and their beliefs,but one thing they are strongly against is photography.
Another amazing thing happened.I don`t know if any of you know about the Sight and Sound Theatre? There`s one in Lancaster and also one in Branson,Missouri.What they do is they put on plays recreating various story`s from the bible.I`have been wanting to go see a play for about 2 years now.There was this one that I had heard about from friend that`s called Creation and she saw it with her family and said it is absolutly amazing.So,my best friend was at a local bizarre this weekend and she called me so excited.Here they were auctioning off tickets to sight and sound for the creation show! I agreed to split the cost,figuring that it was no big deal if we lost because the money was being donated to disabled people so it was for a good cause.We won the tickets!!!! It`s only $27.50 a piece and they sell for $47 normally.God is sooo good!!! He always provides! So we have from July-Sept. to make reservations.
Now onto some very serious news.Although there have been many blessings in our life recently,there will always be trials and sadness as well.Last weekend I got a phone call that my cousin had emergency surgery to remove a large mass in her colen.The mass ended up to be stage 4 colen cancer.The cancer has spread to her liver.So far it has not spread anywhere else.They plan to try to shrink the cancer I guess through chemo therapy.She`s in realkly good spirits though.Much prayer is needed as this type of cancer is very serious.My brothers wife died 5 years ago from colen cancer that had spread to her liver.I`m not sure where she is on a spiritual leval.I know she believes in Jesus,but I`m not sure if she has heard the full gospel message or not so please pry for her in that way as well.
So that`s all of the news for now.I`ll try to post some pictures soon!!By for now!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hot Cross buns anyone?

Hello everyone! Just a quick post.I tried Cathy Jean`s recipe for hot cross buns and they were very yummy!The kids ate them for breakfast and they loved them. Thanks again for the recipe Cathy Jean!!Have a blessed day everone!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

What I`ve been doing and plans for the upcoming week

Hi all my wonderful readers!! I am so thrilled you stopped by to visit!!!
Not too many new things going on since my last post.One HUGE answer to prayer about my friends aunt.She is out of the coma and showing emotion wich is a mirical.She still doesn`t respond to commands.They will start speach therapy today wich will probably give them a better idea of the degree of brain damage.Also,there is a blood clot in her leg that is dangerious and they cannot give her medication to shrink it because of the bleeding in her brain.Much prayer is needed that God will shrink this blood clot.So,that`s the update on her condition.Thanks to all of you who have been praying for her.
This weekend was fun.Saturday I took the kids to an Easter celebration in town which was cute.Then on the way home we stopped at a yard sale and I got the cutest country shelves!! The 2 wooden ones,I plan on attempting to prim up a bit,but the little black one is just perfect the way it is.I`ve never redone anything before so I hope I don`t mess it up.I`ll post pictures to let you all know how they turn out.For the big one with the hearts,I plan on buying a dowel from the craft store and attaching it for a towel rack.It already has the holes.Not sure wher I`m going to put it yet.
So,my next project for the week is to make some sandwich bread to freeze.I did this last summer and it was so convenient.I`ll be sure to do a post about it with a recipe.
Speaking of recipes,if anyone els fell in love with the Heritage of Lancaster County series by Beverly Lewis you guys have to buy her cookbook as well.It has all authentic Amish recipes that have been in her family for years.I can`t wit to try some out.Another recipe I plan on trying is from Cathy Jean over at Because Nice Matters.It`s for Hot Cross Buns and if you want the recipe just click on Hot Cross Buns and you`ll be directed to her site!! They look so yummy:)
Anyway,so I guess that`s all for now.Gotta get back to my chores!!Blessings everyone!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Wednesday!!

Hello all my sweet friends!!! I hope you all are having a wonderful day today!!
So far my day has been going well.I usually go to the farmers market on Wednesdays with a friend. Today my husband decided to invite his father and step mom,so we ended up going with them instead.I absolutely love going to the market.There are several Amish and Mennonite people that work there.My friend and I have been talking to a Mennonite woman at a stand where I buy raw milk.She is a very nice lady. We had some questions about the Mennonite faith and she was happy to answer them.It is`n Old Order,like the Amish faith.It seems to be very Christ centered.She sells those little aprons for the dish soap and also some hand made pillow shams and a few other hand made items.I`m wondering if she would be willing to teach us how to quilt? I would be absolutely thrilled if she agreed!! I think I`m going to ask hr next week.
I`m on the third book in The Heritage Of Lancaster County,by Beverly Lewis and I`m really starting to take an interest in learning more about a simple life.
Thank you all for your prayers for my friend`s aunt. She is still in a coma.They plan on bringing her out of it soon because the swelling seams to be going down.They don`t know how much brain damage she has yet though.They don`t even know if he can breath on her own or not.Much prayer is still needed for her and her family.
My excises program is still going well.I am thrilled about it and praising God for His strength that is carrying me through this journey:)I woke up very early yesterday morning so I could work out before I got the kids up.Then hubby and I headed to the gym and worked out some more.I`m actually finding exercise fun.Monday will be 3 weeks since I started this program.I`ve been working out 6 days a week.This is the most consistent I have ever been my entire life with exercise.This is how I know t is not of my own strength,but from God.I will keep you guys posted on the progress I make.So far I have lost about 6 pounds.Woo hoo!!!!
Well I`m off to do some laundry(oh joy) and then some reading before the kids get home.Bye for now!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Please pray

Hello all my sweet friends!! I`m so thankful that you stopped by!! My goodness,what a week.I have very tragic news to share with all of you.Last Sunday my friends Aunt fell down the steps at her home.She underwent two surgerys because there was bleeding in her brain.She is now in I.C.U. The swelling has not gone down and they had to put her into a medically induce coma on Wednesday.Please pray for the family to be trusting in God.Most of them are not Christians.I went to the hospatil with my friend on Wed. to help out with the kids.I was able to share with her mom what I went through the days before my mom passed away.I pray I was encouraging.I got news today that they deepened the coma because the swelling is still at an unsafe leval.If it does not get better soon they will have to surgically remove a portion of her skull.As it stands now there is alot of permanent brain damage.They are not sure of the extent because she cannot communicate.I know God is soverine.We don`t understand why theses things happen,but we do know He is in controle and His love is perfect in our weakness.I`ve been trying to comfort my friend because she is very close to her Aunt.Also pray that there will be peace among one another durring this trial.I know,sometimes durring things like this family`s tend to bicker among one another.
I`ve made a few cards to encourage people.Card making is such a wonderful ministry.
It`s really been doing my heart good to be able to minister to my friend this week and encourage her in the Lord.She is my absolute best friend and sister in Christ.It`s amazing how when someone is struggling with something the Holy Spirit gives you the words to comfort them and thoes same words minister to your own heart as well.So many motions can come out when someone is going through a crisis.Prayer is so very important.The mkost important partabout prayer for our own hearts is being completly honest with God.If your sturuggling in an area of your life,tell God.Ask Him to help you.Then leave it with Him.When we are burdened and we take it to the Lord, He can lift those burdens away when we trust him.That`s when we have peace.Our peace then turns into joy.The joy that comes from trusting in Him.No,our circumstances might not change.They may never change,but we can be at peace when we trust Him.Think of all your troubles as baloons.Prayer is the hellium that lifts the burdons out of our hearts,and replaces them with peace.We`re not perfect people.We ARE sinners.We will make mistakes.We will be sinned against.We will sin against others.This we can be certain of.We can`t carry all of our burdens ourselves.We can`t.It`s just too much.Christ died so we don`t have to.We are not alone.He said come to me all ye who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest.He want US,us sinners to come to HIM.Perfect and Holy Christ.That is Amazing.That is something to be overwhelmed with joy about!! So,if you are feeling overwheled with burdens today,take it to the Lord and He will overwhelm you with His great love for you.
Please,if anyone needs to speak with me or needs encouragement or prayer,pleae email me.Have a blessed night everyone!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

It`s been a while

Hello my wonderful blog friends!! Boy,it has been a while! Gosh,I`ve just had about a thousand things running through my mind latly!!Projects I want to try,not to mention my life has been pritty buisy in general.
I`ve been doing alot of thinking and I`ve felt very much convicted that I need to prioritize my life.I do housework most of the day,and when I do go on the computer I seem to have 1000 things to do,so there has been no time to update my blog.
I started reading The Lancaster Heritage Series,by Beverly Lewis.Oh my! I`m halfway through the 1st book and it is so good.It has really convicted me in alot of ways.I really feel I need to simplify my life.I`m not just talking about becoming more organized,although that would help.I really think WE as Christians are not glorifing God by the ways we live.This is something that I think we all need to be praying about and really asking God to change our hearts about.I just thing we`re confoming to the world too much.Trying to keep up on the latest fashions,getting our hair done,stuff like that.We`re just way too materialistic.It complicates our lives too.Please don`t misunderstand.I am not judging anyone at all.The Lord convicts everyone in diferent ways.This is just one of the ways he`s been convicting me latly.
Another HUGE thing that`s been going on in my life is my weight loss journey that I`m on.My friend and I have been working out together and I`m really trying to stick to it this time.I feel so different this time around.I have a new outlook on weight loss.I`ve been praying alot and asking the Lord to lead me and for the first time ever,I truly feel HE is leading me in this area of my life. I`ve been so confused about what type of program I should start.Truly,it came to me a few weeks ago that Slim Fast would be a good program for me because I can have chocolate.It`s really been curbing the cravings and so I`m really thankful for that.My husband is also on board with eating healthy as well!! I am so excited about that!!It`s a huge answer to prayer.I`m sure some of you know that since our husbands are head of the household it makes things very difficult if they`re not on the same page:)He joined a gym as well.He got a family membership.I`m THRILLED about that!! It has a pool as well,so if his feet start to hurt(because of the injury)he can do laps for excersize.
I also got some really nice fabric from href=""> for a quilting project I want to try. It`s a very cute heart shaped pot holder.I plan on posting pictures when I get started on it.I do want to start that skirt for Emily too.There`s more I need to learn about sewing first though.
I don`t have time to post any pics right now.I want to go work out before the kids get home.I have a fabulous workout package that a friend recommended called Slim in
6.It`s so good.If you go on Ebay you can find it cheaper.It runs about $60 on their website.My husband burned a copy for me,so on days I don`t meet with my friend I can still workout.I gotta run now!!Blessings!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Look what came in the mail today!!!

So,a fe weeks ago Angie over at Seasons of the Past hosted a swap.My partner was Rondel from Tomato Creek Prims and look what she sent me!!
Isn`t it beautiful? I have t over my mantel in my living room and it looks great there.Thanks again Rondel!! Your package is on it`s way as well!
Now,I want to share with you guys some great things I found second hand.The first item is actually supposed to be valances but I loved the pattern so much I couldn`t pass it up.I`m thinking of making a skirt for Emily soon and his will be just perfect.Alot of the work is already done for the tears! Then,yesterday I found these old fashond salt and pepper shakers!!I love them!!They are so prim and cute!I have garlic powder and oregano in them.
I need to go now.I hope you all have a blessed day!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Homemade noodles and more!

Hey everyone!!Boy,I don`t know what`s been wrong with me latly!I have definatly been slacking with updating my blog!
Alot has been going on around here latly.First,I`ll share with all of you a yummy recipe that I just tried tonight.I give full credit for the idea and recipe to Katy from The Country Blossom.If you would like the recipe just click on her name and you will be directed to her post!
Above is a picture of the noodles drying and Emily helping me cut them.The giant red bowl is where I mixed the dough.I also knead the dough right in my bowl.I`ve been kneading dough like this for a while now.It really cuts down on the mess!
I don`t have any pictures of the finished product,but they were very yummy!! I made a really easy recipe with chicken breasts to go with the noodles.All you do is take a few pieces of chicken and put them in a deep skillet or even a medium pot will do.Next,you take a can of condenced tomato soup and a can of cheddar cheese soup and pour it over the chicken.Cover and leave until chicken is cooked through.Then you just break it up and serve it ver the noodles! I though it was very good.The kids didn`t eat tonight.For they`re Valentine`s parties today we donated Longo`s pizza for Anthony`s class.It`s a local pizza that comes boxed and is sold at room temp.It`s very popular here in Pa.So anyway there was alot left over and he got to bring it home and they all ended up eating that for their supper tonight.Hubby didn`t feel well,so he just had cereal.That`s okay though becase we have a ton of leftovers that we will save for after church on Sunday:)
The next thing I want to share with you is the scarf I crocheted for Joey.I am so excited about it!!
Today, I went to Olly`s and got some great deals.Above I have a picture of a very cute box I got with a chicken on it.The picture does not do it justice.It looks hand panted.Then I got the kids two books.The first one is a Quilting book wich I am sooo thrilled about!!! I`ve wanted to learn how to quilt and sew for the longest time!!!!Now I can learn right along side of the kids!!I love how simple everything is explained in this book.I plan on getting some material and batting and starting a quilting project with the kids hopefully sometime this week!!! I cannot wait!! I will definatly post about it! The next book I got for the kids is a Veggie Tails book that is an encyclopedia and atlas for the Bible.I think this will be so great for helping teach the kids and even myself more about God`s Word!! I also got two more balls of yarn.Only $1.99 for mohair!! I have an obsession with yarn now.Where ever I go I have tp check out the yarn section!Lol!!
In other news I was able to participate in a swap hosted by Angie over at Seasons of The Past and that`s really all I can say about that!Lol!Just in case my swap buddy is a reader of my blog I don`t want o give away any surprises before she gets them.I`ll be mailing the package out tomorrow and before I do I`ll be sure to take some pictures and I`ll do a post next week:)
Another hobbie I`ve taken up is card making! I`m excited about it.I still have more supplies to buy,but I did make one for my swap buddy today. I don`t have a picture right now though. I did make something for my secret sister last week(i know she doesn`t read my blog,so I can post about it!Lol!!)that I invented myself called hyme of encouragement cards.What they are is just your favorite hyme printed from the computer and then cut and glued onto craft paper.I should of used card stock to make it sturdy but I didn`t have any last week.I thought about making up a bunch of theses for poeople to keep in their purses or whateve. The hyms have been so encourgeing to me latly!!There is a picture above of the hyme card I made.I also decorated the envelope with craft paper as well. I know it`s not perfect but I pray it encouraged her nonetheless.
Well,I guess I`ll go now.It`s getting very late.My time is`nt se right on my blog.I have no idea how to fix it.If anyone does,please let me know.It`s 11:45pm right now.
Thanks so much for reading my blog!!Please,leave a comment so I know you visited and can give you a proper thank you!!! Blessings my sweet friends:)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Giveaways and More!!

Hey!!I hope everyone had a wonderful day today!!! I am soo excited about this give away!!! Over at It`s about Annie there is a giveaway for a hand made Annie doll!! While your there be sure to check out her other blog called bowls and annie.Her husband makes hand made wooden bowls and she of coarse makes the dolls.She has an excellent tutorial about how to make your own annie doll,plus she also has tons of patterns for sale as well as dolls!! I have been a huge fan of annie dolls for a long time now(can you tell?LOl!)Maybe it`s because I always remeber having little Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls as a child.There`s also this huge picture my mom had taken of me when I was 4 years old barefoot in a little yellow sundress holding a giant Raggedy Ann doll.The picture stood on a wall in my bedroom for years.Sometime I`ll have to post in on my blog for all of you:)When I look at that picture now I can see the spitting immage of my oldest son.I always say it looks just like Joey in a dress.Gosh,I`m so sorry to be babbling on!Lol!I guess I`m just getting carried away going down memory lane.Remebering a simpler time when everything was so carefree.Our family was all together.Thoes are all just sweet memories now.No one in my family is speaking now,and both my parents have passed away.Anyway,now I have my own family and we can make memories together!!I also have my brothers and sisters in Christ who I cherish and love so much!!I`ve been through alot in the past few years,and one of the most valuable lessons I`ve learned is to store up our treasures in Heaven and not on this earth.Earthly things will one day fade away,relationships get broken,people pass away,but the one thing that will never pass away in the love our great and mighty Lord has for us.The one that will never forsake us and will always keep His promises!!!
I have to run now!!Emily has a 104 temp tonight and I have to go check on her to see if it`s going down,Blessings my sweet friends!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Thanks for all your prayers!

Hey everyone!!Thank you all so much for your prayers for Emily Rose.The surgery went well and she is fine.She has to heal a bit more before they attach the equipment that will activate her hearing. My friend has to meet next week for training on how to use the hearing devices.Then they will attach them to Emily's head magnetically.It`s going to be so exciting for this baby to hear!Please continue to keep this family in prayer as they continue through this trial.I can`t help but praise God as I see the miracles He is dong for them.He`s given the doctors such wisdom to be able to design this device.He`s also given my friend such grace to endure the many trials that have been set before her.
I do need to get going now.I hope everyone has a blessed evening!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Please Pray For Emily Rose

Hi everyone! I really don`t have much time to post today,but I wanted to put up a prayer request.Please post about this on your blog and pass it on. My friend has a daughter that has cerebrial paulsey.She also cannot hear.On Wednesday morning she will be opperated on.They will be implanting cochler implants so that she can hear. I just wanted to ask everyone to stop what their doing and pray for wisdome for the doctors as they preform this procedure and protection for baby Emily.Also,please pray that there are no complacations and she can return home the same day.Please pray that God would provide physical and spiritual endurance for my friend and her family.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I`m still Alive!!!

Hey everyone!! I know it has been soo long since the last time I updated my blog.My life has just been very busy as it tends to get around the holiday season.Plus we`ve done some more home improvements as well.I don`t have any pictures to show you guys at this time,but I`ll try to get some up later.
First of all I have had two huge answers to prayer!! The first one is regarding my ongoing heath issues that I`ve mentioned in previous posts.My doctor said the type of endometrial hyperplasia I have is curable and the problems can totally be corrected without surgery!!!That is fabulous news!!I did not want to have to go through a partial hysterectomy at only 32 years old!!The second answer to prayer is concerning my husband.There has been a lawsuit going on between him an his former employer.Due to his extensive nerve damage in his feet he was told that if he was able to return to work he would have to take a position he physically could not do.They also denied him Workman's comp.It looks like they are going to settle on two years pay.So that i fabulous news!!He also tried to apply for Social security but was denied because of his age.The lawyer plans on contacting them as well and then if he gets approved for that he can then re-open the case with his employer and sue for wages he would of made over the course of 30 years.So we are getting somewhere with this whole thing anyway.Then after this is all said and done he plans on trying o go to school to re-train maybe in the accounting field or some type of work that wont put any strain on his feet.I just praise God for all of the provisions He has made for our family!!
As I mentioned above,we have been able to do some more improvements to our home.For two years we`ve been living with a half painted living room,and molding that needed to be done around the one window.You could literally see the wall boards because the molding was ripped right out.The curtains were covering it,but we were losing alot of heat.So,hubby`s brother who is very handy came over and help us put new molding around both windows and also put up wainscoting.(That`s bead board going up half the wall and then a chairail.)Oh,it looks so beautiful!!The only problem is that I can`t take any pictures of it because the lighting isn`t too great in our living room.Once I can figure out a way to get around that I`ll do a before and after post:)
The past few days have been really awful.Our whole family has a bad stomach virus.My little girl got t the worst.Every hour she was vomiting last night.I was doing wash at 1 a.m. Then I had my 8 year old vomiting as 10 year old had to be picked up from school because he got sick.Then 4pm it hit me.Hubby is out right now doing our food shopping for us.Between the ice and snow storms we`ve been having we haven`t had a chance to go food shopping.I better get going now.Later on tonight I might post some Christmas pictures:)Have a blessed day and thank you so much for stopping by!!!