Monday, March 10, 2008

Daily ramblings

Hey,everyone! Just an update on the past few days.Yesterday was a very fast paced day.We attended the morning and evening service at church.We didn`t get home from the morning service until 2:30 because we always stay after to talk with people.Then,I came home,made a late lunch for the kids and I.My husband works third shift for a food warehouse so he leaves for work every day at four.I had a roast in the crock pot,along with some veggies,so I peeled some potatoes for mashed potatoes and we also had homemade gravy with it.It was very good.Then we had to leave by 5:30 to make service in time and didn`t get home until 9:00pm!I usually don`t go to evening service,because it`s alot with the kids and because my hubby doesn`t go things are alot harder.Plus then they`re out late on a school night.It was the Lord`s supper last night,and I was able to attend for the first time in almost 2 years:)
I don`t drive,so it`s very hard for me to find rides.Praise God that I am a part of such a wonderful church though.The pastors and elders all got together and found a group of people willing to take us to church every week.This has been a blessing.So someone asked if we wanted to go to the evening service since I am taking membership classes ad will be baptised soon.Wasn`t that so sweet?We don`t even have any extra cash to give anyone for gas or anything right now.That`s the difference between people of this world and Gods people though.Gods people love helping one another.I can`t remember where exactly it is written in the scriptures but Jesus did say something like this:You gave me food when I was hungry,you gave me shelter when I was cold,then they say that they don`t remember doing any of theses things an Jesus replies surly I say to you if you have done theses things for the least of my brothers you have also done them for me. Theses are not the exact verses,but my point is this.That`s the attitude a true believer has.A heart that want`s to help others so that Christ may be glorified!!That`s also how He shows His faithfulness to His people!So praise God for that!
Anyway,today was another fast paced day.I woke up and got the kids off to school.Threw pork chops,veggies and some spices in the crock pot,then left for a.m. bible study which started at 9am.I look forward to this so much.It`s lead by our pastors wife.It`s a small group of ladies and afterwords we go to one of my friends houses for lunch.So we ran late today because us ladies were gabbing away as usual and lost track of time.Lol!Hubby was not thrilled in the slightest,so I will have to make sure it does not happen again:)
Please pray that I can fix my camera so I can post pictures!Okay,now I need to go make some rice for our supper.See you all tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Hey Toni! Thanks for allowing me to comment!!!

Toni said...

Your welcome!Have a grat day!!

Anonymous said...

So great that others are helping! =0

Toni said...

Christian Homekeeper,
It is such a blessing!I pray that we will soon be in a position where we can give back to all that so graciously gave to us:)Have a great day!